Awww poor Minnie, never gives up... But we all know if Gott were brave enough, he would ask Sugar Suz for a date.
In our way home, all the stores look nicely full of St Valentine deco and all sort of possible gifts.

Though as the song says 'la vida te da sorpresas...' Life surprises you, oh yes!

See more of this booty jewels ...
Kiowa Cor necklace as the Amore jewelry set (see up) by
~Elemental Earth Designs~
This lovely shape is CALLIE
from Ample Avi
Sinny & Minnie wear Glam Punk and Glam Chilli from
and the work boots from GRAFFITIWEAR
Panda pal back pack ~Elemental Earth Designs~
Voodoo Doll (Shatered hearts gift)
GRAFFITIWEAR NUTS FOR YOU ~Elemental Earth Designs~

Message in a bottle necklace
~Elemental Earth Designs~
Urban girl
The 10L store
Vermillion by GRAFFITIWEAR

This cute model wears Marcel shape FREE! at External Appearance