Saturday, May 4, 2013

The precious one (the babysitter's tale)

'Once upon a time, there was a little princess. They called her the bad princess, but her name was Pumpkin'
'Thatz not a name'
'That was HER name, cause her hair was orange-red. Like yours.'
'Princezz are blonde' ' Not this one'
'Did she have lotz of toyz?'
*-*Purretes*-* for Imagine  Cereza White outfit ends this week!
*-*Purretes *-* Pajama GIRL
 'Yeah, And her fav was a panda bear called...' 'Kuko! Mine iz called Kuko!' 'OK' :) :)

'Pumpkin was not bad, but some people in the palace didnt like her, and had told her parents that she was a bad princess'

'Heidi tellz mom Im bad. I dont like Heidi. Do you?' ' Naaa'

'Do you know which was the best room of the palace? The candles room'.

' You know why, dont you?'
 'Ohhhh they were MAGIC!'
StoraxTree  Estate Persian Rug16 - Estate Garden Table  Elegant Flower Mosaic
Candles by ZERO COOL 
Elegant Short Candle Trio 
Country Love Polished Maple Candle
Oriental Magic Candlestick A
 Floorcandle - Oriental Magic A6

' Yep. They were beautiful. And magic. And the most magical of them was the one called the precious one'


StoraxTree  Chandelier Ornate Gold Extra Mini - Round Table Tall Mosaic Compass
ZERO COOL Candle -  The Precious One
*-*Purretes *-* Cereza black outfit
' And then, one day, The precious One disappeared'.
'Oh nooooooo who took it?'
'No one knew. But someone said... did the bad princess do it?'
'But some people said, 'yes! she is bad, she did it!'

'But she didnt, did she?'
'No, the black magician did'
ZERO COOL Sea of candles
Akeruka Girogia skin group gift
 The Boobies Planet.: GlowDesigns :.  Flowers Dream Dress W/Lolas Tango App 
Perfect Shapes Angelina's Shape

'Waz she dangerouz?'

'Her magic pony...'
{Co*Motion} & .:[Le Petite Purr] My Pretty Pony ~ sit on it and fly away!
'And the Wild Winter Warrior, (aka WWW)'
Akeruka Caesar skin group gift

'Can the bad princezz have a magic wand?'
'Sure. Two'
*-*Purretes *-* CAP AND TAGS  for the Lil Soldier hunt
Purretas in Market place OVERALL
'Marlow,  can we play a bit now?'
'Sure. What game do you want to play?'
'Ill be the bad princezz and you the warrior!'
 'Yay!' (I think she likes my fairy tale :) )
Akeruka Caesar skin group gift
StoraxTree Planter shelf with forget me not
Akeruka Caesar skin Goatie 2 Dark
XYROOM -Orr-  Drop Bass tee
+HUHU+ Skinny denim jeans