Thursday, July 7, 2016

Lets do some research (hack the guy!)

I dont think that hitting on DD is weird. She is a hottie, if you dont mind my saying 
I do mind, you idiot, shut up and lets do some research.
Can I hack whatever i think of?
You mean my family's accounts? Go for it
Bounce This poses
Plowwies Miranda complete outfit

K ... I see an ex-girlfriend talking sh*t about him in FB. But we all have one of those.
I dont
Cause you hacked her account and deleted her comments
And she thought FB was doing it and stopped :)
::Designer Circle::. {POSH PIXELS} Tara Complete outfit
TAMELESS Uma (large breasts)
Le Poppycock- poses 
-----------------------more than 1 hour later---------------------------------------------------------------

F*ck me alive! You wont believe what I found!