Today was our last day together till he is back. We had been talking on the phone, and he did his best to make me feel better but i was just too sad.
I went to pick him up at the stadium, and sat there as i usually do, but after a while i began to worry.
He was late, and when i tried to call him, his mobile was off.
It was getting dark, and the lights of the stadium filled the empty place.

I went to the dressing room,
looking for him or someone who could know where he was.
Ufff. I was feeling so down... our last night and he was busy somewhere else?
And then...
oh my! Smowl's new novel, so difficult to find it, people jumped over it as soon as it was in bookshops, and he had found it for me!
And he will even let me tell him all about the story while i read it :)
Aint i the luckiest girl in the world?

DD's gorgeous outfit is from aDiva couture
Bf's shirt from
House of Gibberish
and jacket from AOHARU
The awesome stadium is The SL Cheerleading Squad / SLCS Stadium
if you wanna be a cheerleader, cant miss this place!!!