Saturday, June 16, 2012

This prince rocks :P

I just HATE to babysit Fly.
She loves to stay up till late, but my aunt gets very angry at me if she is not asleep when she arrives home.

So i decided to negotiate. What about a fairy tale?

But i wasnt really sucessful. My cousin was not in the mood for fairies.
(Wait ... whats the name of that guy ... that one who works for the kids channel...  ah yes, Neo. And whats that  silly thing he says and the kids love ...?) Lets see if this prince is rubbish or what.

Hahahahahahaha seems that the tale is more interesting now ...
So she accepted to stay in bed, listening to the silly story i invented for her... and suddenly she fell asleep!
Fairy tales are better ... if the prince rocks :))

[ L3S ] GOLD FOAM outfit
Akeruka Blanca skin Group Gift

Akeruka Neo skin
..::  OPOPOP  //  Shrub // Scarf ::..
PNP ~ Climbing On Up (5 poses) 
Grunge Top & Leo pants
 DeColores Slip Toms