Sunday, May 19, 2013

Rock, paper and scissors

XYROOM   Sup Poses Butterflies 
SLC Mesh Charming Tiered Skirt and Mesh Flouncy Crop Top
Awww nothing like a country day!
It was so sunny and warm today! Umami called asking  people if we felt like spending the day out.
XYROOM  Sup Poses Butterflies 
::Designer Circle::. Eyelure Sport Tank and Yoga Skinnies
OPOPOP  Strhitch // Unisex // Mesh Sneakers  

There was an only cloud in our sunny horizon. It was first time Loulou came to a group event since Ree and Marlow are together. By the way no one has told her yet that they are together, though its OBVIOUS!
It was very sunny. Umami, with that pale skin of hers, was worried cause she had forgotten her cap.
+HUHU+ Capri Pants Grafiti Pink
 Luziefee Design Fan
Tree House Treasures Barret 
*Luckie* Perkie Cami
Yes, its nice to prevent sunburn with a cap. But  i have to say the idea of country clothing that some of my friends have is quite... personal :P
Tara Wild Edition Sexy and I know it hunt

Sure, Sugar Suz, and knowing you, i bet your plan B was kind of similar to plan A  hahahaha
HOT STUFF for the Born this way hunt
::Designer Circle::.!!CiC!! Melody hair
But of course she was completely eclipsed by Loulou. Ree, Umami and I look at eachother and didnt need words to agree. I know you will say, oh girls please, you are such  witches! But take a look at Loulou and tell me if you think this is the best thing to wear for a comfy day in the country side!
.::BT::.  Sexy Back
TaTToo PaRaDiSe Waist Jewelry VG
But i have to admit the future top model behaved. She was friendly and not flirty with the boys, and we had a nice day. With little moments of RED ALERT of course... although isnt it innocent to ask the guys who could 'save her life' by going to the next bar and buying her an iced tea?
ALL outfits by +HUHU+  

and also
Tree House Treasures  Ring
Jamman Jewels & Accessories  Ultra Mesh Rigged FingernailsV4 NEW!

OPOPOP  Strhitch // Unisex // Mesh Sneakers