This summer we would love to go on a trip together. We still have not decided where, but one thing is clear, we need to get some money, or we better forget about it.
Kitty, who has best ideas ever, had heard that the Iron Horse was hiring waitresses. She told us about giving it a try, and we joined at Lil's home to find best strategy to get the job.
MOna was super worried about the outfit.
She told us that her mom, who is Del Icious, the famous fashion model, would help us with it as soon as we decide if better wear serious or young and casual.
Doc prepared a sort of quiz with the usual questions of a job interview, and we all played to interview eachother and correct our mistakes. We tried to take it seriously but MOna, who had a new mobile was more interested in playing with it.
oh wow Mona's phone book is as complete as the Bristish enciclopedy, that was a drama :P
So we try to keep working and then she got that weird message, and couldnt know who was sending it.
Yep we all know her stories....He is not good at writting.... he is a MAN OF ACTION :P
It was too tempting, and she wanted to know who was it, so there she went saying...

BigBoobsBetty proposed to tell him 'SOMETHING SEXY' and we agreed, and his answer....
Oh oh MOna sent the following text before we could stop her, cause we were laughing too much.
WOW !! But the answer came quick

and suddenly the phone rang with a new text
and then...worse...
Oh my we got so super scared!!!
Kitty was right, but we were so scared that we decided to hide in the bathroom, while repeating that it was impossible he could find the location of the house, trying to calm down.
Or doing our best...
As always, some have more imagination than others....
TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP on the window.................
So it was MOna's mom texting her silly daughter about their previous conversation, trying to help with the outfits!! UFFF we felt so ridiculous hahhaahhahahahahahaha
As my own mom says.... we watch too much tv :P
I love Lil's home from 1NNOVAT1ON Design house shop & prefabs and you can find the item at marketplace
DD's and her friends' outfits are from CDdesigns, and Del Icious' outfit is from Nils Island Store
at (i have always loved this store!)