Yesterday, Mr Celery took us on one of his outdoor classes. He says we have to keep in touch with nature, feeling the miracle of its beauty on our skins.
It was a wonderful day, sunny and warm, ideal for the bicycle ride we were ready to take.
We met at the Iron Horse Saloon, one of our favorite country bars, with beautiful roads around for our 'nature' day :)
Just this moment, Mr Celery arrived. He is not a bad guy, just...not the one you expect to be a gym teacher. If we were talking about bicycles and bikes... well, he is more a bicycle than a bike...
After a while the sun was too hot and we stopped for a picnic.
The place was lovely and things were even nicer when Mr Celery disappeared for a bit (we all knew he needed a cigarette Shhhh)
Doc is always the most responsible, so MOna waited till she went for her flowers and drawings to let us know her plan. She wanted to go for a bath.
Kitty, Lil' and I said NO WAY, and reminded her Mr Celery would be around, but everybody disappeared, and Lil' and I enjoyed a sudden and unexpected moment of silence and peace.
Mr Celery had said, 'Ahhhhh lets feel nature all over our skins!', but i bet he didnt think someone was taking his words so literally.
MOna and BigBoobsBetty found a hidden place... and decided to have their private bath, no matter what could happen next...

What a (good?) luck... NIco appeared riding his (pathetic) motorbike. He came with me to the falls to help with the teacher. MOna didnt want us to tell her bro what had exactly happened there...

When NIco suggested he could go with me (??) on his bike and look for help, we told him he better take the teacher to the hospital.
What a....different school day! I wouldnt mind if all our classes were outdoors but i bet it will take a few till Mr Celery is in the mood again... enough nature for a while!

This is an amazing place, the Iron Horse Island, where you will find music at the saloon, stores, and a beautiful place to ride your bike, your bicycle, your horse... Come and look for all its secret places!
DD and her friends' outfits from CD designs, except for BBB undies and bra that are an old freebie, and NIco shirt is from the GIbberish unisex shirts collection that you can find at marketplace too
The bicycles are an amazing freebie that i found at marketplace long ago, sorry not there now, they were from @Delux Hobo Bicycle