Bf and I were going to the movies last night, and Lil' and BigBoobsBetty wanted to come too, so we met at the cinema.

ohhhh SHHHHHH the movie begins.
Colt is working in a little village not far from the city, and his gf, Smowl, is worried cause he has not contacted her in a couple of days. Suddenly, she gets a weird call from him. Talking incoherently, he tells her
and of course, she decides to go there inmediately.
Oh wow wow and Colt doesnt want her to come back cause he is so scared of hurting her or have other zombies hurting her.... I was melting while the dark voice of the almost completely zombie bf repeated, dont come back .... DONT! But of course, she will, she will be back!!! ( I would too!!!)
Well, not all...
I wont argue about zombies, MOna can keep his :P But there is NO ONE like my boy, that's for sure!
DD, Smowl, and the girls' outfits from CD designs
Bf's shirt from the unisex t shirt collection from Gibberish Art
This great movie theater is Sweet Dreams Movies, at
and the A-W-E-S-O-M-E place where the DON'T movie happens is SuiciDe city at
its worth a visit!!!!