Friday, April 13, 2012


Honeybee (Blake Shelton)

Kitty called saying she needed some glamour in her afternoon :). MOna and I were free, and we wore nice  to meet for a cofee in one of those fashion places she loves.
We were talking about my dress and hairdo for the premier, and how much we loved all the characters of the movie, and time flew.

I saw him from the distance, but he didnt notice it was ME till it was too late.

Enough of cheating, boy.
Both girls are my friends, so lets see how you do it to not hurt them!

Honk wears AKERUKA Skin Adrian eyeliner natural

Scarlet Wrapped Top - April Subscriber Gift
High Waisted Denim Skirt

Rose Spring Angel


Summer Tank

Unisex Leather pants

Bow Pumps