Saturday, August 25, 2012

...gonna kiss me or not?

Mom and I have had such a big argument, cause I want to go to the super-wow-party with my friends, and she said I cant.
Im not angry. Im super angry, And i told her. So probably i have lost any chance to go to my party .  UGH.
She sent me to my bedroom and awww this is NICE, she left to meet End for her own super-wow-party!!!
I bet she has had a great night while i stay here!

****** MOM'S ' GREAT ' NIGHT*****
They went to a fashion party ... girls & girls & some more girls wanting to catch End's attention...
::DS::  Merlyn Sangria Stormy
SLC  Mesh Sexy Lace Dress black
::Designer Circle::. 

HOT STUFF for Leather or Lace Hunt
::Designer Circle::. 
::BeautyCode::. Skin Jil Latte - Cover Girl
[M&M]Shape -Kawait  Shape
Calico Ingmann Creations Cynthia hair
Eyelure Fall for me  MAKE UP
**** When they arrived home, mom  told him she needed time, she wanted him to not call  her, she would  in some days ...

**** She was still awake, around 2 am, when her mobile rang.  'Can we talk about it? Please? ' He was on the yard, and she let him in.
**** She didnt know how ... but the coffee was everywhere but the cups...


CD designs Innocence nightgown
free gift
Graffitiwear Holey Moley 
*.JULYs.*  Mesh Capri Pants 
SLC Mesh Cocktail Dress Ruth Flowers rose