Cause Loulou and Sugar Suz should have been more careful about their dresses, and now they are going to be in trouble with miss Beatrice.
Oh my, she was really angry, but when she began explaining how disappointed she was, what the rules were blah blah blah...
The director-2?
OH WOW They began arguing, well she tried to, but he was kind of cool. And, damn... SEXY!
Miss Beatrice was so angry! She joined some of the teachers and they were talking while people kept arriving, amazed at the news.
But the new new director didnt seem to care about the gossip around. And too funny when he asked us for a 'welcome dance'.
Oh my Sugar Suz has already decided he is the man of her life FOR SURE (though he probably is as old as her dad :P )
He was fun and shared the party with the students, asking everybody's name, dancing , singing karaokee... and ignoring miss Beatrice's furious look.
Of course not everybody liked him so much...
The night ended like this,
- Marlow and Loulou fighting
- I discovered Silence and Umami had disappeared ... where?
- I found Minnie in shock in the toilet cause Goth had kissed her while dancing, and
- I saw Sinny punching DDT when he tried to do the same hahahahahaha
-Miss Beatrice asked ' her rival' to leave till his situation was clear. He did, but saying he didnt see why werent SHE the one to leave till HER situation was clear.
Oh wow... so i just can say
to be continued (tomorrow more)
HooDgirlz group gift- Day dress |
HooDgirlz group gift- The first Star Hair by Calico Ingmann Creations |
M&M Bianca mesh SECRETS HAIR Athena Hair |
::Designer Circle::. VR Jewellery Miss Universe |
*Kiedis* Lucky board prize Simple dress : pure ::Designer Circle::. BeautyCode Pearl neck Adele VR Jewellery Miss Universe earrings |
SLC Mesh Party Dress Dyana Pearls red
[ L3S ] Extreme shoes |
::Designer Circle::.
.::PiNK CHERRY::. Minidress Hot Chica *Mayden Couture* - Seattle Boots MESH Moondance Square Long Flawless 3d nails |
Graffitiwear Wild NIghts [ L3S ] Leztatium shoes |