Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bubbles of love

 Acid Lily
[[ Masoom ]] Missing Him pose 1
}MoYaz{ Amsterdam mesh boot - Midnight
Im sad.
I miss him.
And Id like to find a great gift, cause next week is his bday, but  I have nooooooo money at all!

I went shopping to see if i could find something amazing but not expensive.

Yes. Difficult.
Specially cause  the girls are too quick to forget the aim of the shopping...

First, they tried to help me looking for 'nice' things...

Graffitiwear Sweet Face Bare Shoulder Jumpsuit
[SP] St. Patrick's Day Gacha (the one in the big picture is the RARE!)
Yay, nice... but I wont say that fits Bf's style...
Perfect Shapes Sweetie Pie Shape
Sugar: Irelynd {12} Skin
IOS Bonnie Poses
TaTToo PaRaDiSe Butterfly Inside
Jamman Jewels & Accessories  Ultra Mesh Rigged FingernailsV3
Suddenly, they saw something sooooooooooooo nice! But, sadly, NOT for boys hahahaha
TSYI! Low Sandle Shoe
Then Ree had a mysterious call.
::Designer Circle::.
shine by [ZD] MESH Leggings red posies@
PrincessMode Petty poses
 .::PiNK CHERRY::. Emeral cut set
Loordes of London-The Underground-Yellow jacket
So she left, and Sugar Suz was busy too, and Umami had to go to see her dentist for a review...
Shopping alone. I knew what Bf would love, a Gibberish shirt, his fav.

Come get your FREE Bubbles tenticool unisex t-shirt! HOUSE OF GIBBERISH UNISEX SHIRTS

CLICK HERE and give Jak Gibberish (Zion Zemenis in SL) a HIGH SCORE!
We have till march 8th to make this shirt REAL!

 Acid Lily
 Kaithleen's Ruffled Tartan Mini Skirt
}MoYaz{ Amsterdam mesh boot 
.:SS:. Blazer w/tee 
::Designer Circle::.
Emeral cut set

Loordes of London
The Underground-Yellow

[Park Place] Relaxing Corner - Chair & Ottoman