Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Meet my mom

Umami's mom has decided its time to meet that boy 'who is always around her daughter'.
Yesterday we were going to the movies, and she decided Silence should pick up Umi and stay for a cup of coffee.
Umi begged her to not be so nosey, but you should know the woman, she is really a tough one.

HOT STUFF Love somebody 
StoraxTree  and  Storax Tree Sales Room Furniture
With some moms is better to quickly agree whatever they want and then run.
::Designer Circle:: Blink2Wink - Classic Pencil Dress 
StoraxTree  and  Storax Tree Sales Room Furniture
StoraxTree  and  Storax Tree Sales Room Furniture

Well Umami's home is full of amazing antiques, so wearing elegant goes with the place, and her mom is so super stylish!

::Designer Circle:: Blink2Wink - Classic Pencil Dress 
StoraxTree  and  Storax Tree Sales Room Furniture
Its just that maybe Silence was not really fitting in the place hahahahaha
+HUHU+ Bermuda W/BOXER and Illegal sneakers 
Loordes of London -Central Line Hoodie-Red
StoraxTree  and  Storax Tree Sales Room Furniture
::Designer Circle:: 
CAASH! Flowery jewelery

Mom is here, so  lets have that coffee and fly. But first a bit of conversation...

StoraxTree  and  Storax Tree Sales Room Furniture
Not too bad, till she asked what he was  going to study next year at the university. And Silence said he was not sure he wanted to go to the uni.
Jamman Jewels & Accessories Ultra Mesh Rigged Fingernails
My friend said they would be late for the movies and it was time to go.

BLACK ONLY Icons Of Style Gabrielle 
:Designer Circle:: 
 :::MD::: Back Hole Minidress "Twice"
CAASH! Flowery jewelery 
StoraxTree  and  Storax Tree Sales Room Furniture
Yay! Umami grabbed her big bag and promised she would be back early. And then they made a stop at the sauna cabin in the garden, where she disappeared for a moment and when she opened the door...
BLACK ONLY Icons Of Style Gabrielle
.::BT::. Priorities and  Party Animal Sneakers
PRIME Nordic sauna w/poses

Whatever you wear, we love you, Umi,
 you are wonderful!
.::BT::. Priorities and  Party Animal Sneakers