Friday, November 29, 2013

And she loved it

So it was like this,
 Lance stopped his car. Yeah, there, in the middle of the street. He jumped out, didnt even stop to open the door...
 ..:: P&W ::.. Market Place Cabrio  m-tang Box  V.7
The girls didnt see it, but someone told them later he had run like possesed to The atèlier building.

He slammed the dressingroom door open. 
MUNIQUE Lace String
The girls were getting dressed or undressing and there were screams and bit of panic till they saw what it was about.
MM5 Rock!-Class Man Jacket w Shirt 
+HUHU+ city skinny jeans
!BaaaH! Shape Amilcar Skin Thomas
Then he came to her and (in front of all the girls!) he begged.
But too late
The Boobies Planet Sugar and Cyanide Holiday
Jamman Jewels & Accessories 9inch ULTRA MESH RIGGED FINGERNAILS
Ok, it seems they had had an argument, but now he came and apologized, why couldnt she forgive him?
MUNIQUE Amen Earrings
CURVES Amanda skin
The Boobies Planet ~Greta's Couture~ Morgana Corset w/Lolas Tango App
'He is not taking me to the City Hall party, and he knows  all the atèlier will be there! If he doesnt care for my career, he has nothing to do with me'
:: Czarny Kanarek :: Vamp kitty Boatneck cropped blouse
Dirty Little Secret for The Wash Black Blues Highway Sunglasses in black
And I bet Ree will say Lance is lucky of being dumped by the witch queen, but ...
HOT STUFF Freya Sunkiss (pre-release)
Yeah, I agree.