Sunday, April 26, 2015

Beauty time

When we got home, I was sure Angela was going to display a great welcome to the wonderful De la Fue girls in front of me.  It was clear that the lady didnt like me as daughter-in-law, but I would rather had a killer whale as mother-in-love than her, so we were at peace :P

Toxic High Hepburn Dress  and Skull Slink High Clogs
 Kirin Poses
But I was wrong. Angela could only think of her party and kissed the girls, yeah, but very distracted by all the things that needed her concentration. Dan007 was there,  and Angela told him to take the girls luggage to her room. He said 'yes, m'dam' ,and winked at me when nobody could see us. Nice guy.
The princess and her sister exchanged news with Angela, ohhhh so good Mathias had broken his relationship with that punkie horrible girl...
TAMELESS Complete Avatar Foxi
GANGSTA FAIR Vestige Covert Affairs poses the way, was Mathias' sister back from Europe? Such a lovely girl! Yes, Alexia would be at the party, how nice to see her again...
TAMELESS avatar Michelle wearing Michelle hair and  Pastel Swirls Outfit
Black Fashion Fair Image Essentials - Style Blocks 
V-Spot Dangerzone Hoodie
OPOPOP Enme in Cyan // Jeans
GANGSTA FAIR Vestige Project Runaway Male walk poses
Rum commented Mathias didnt leave his girlfriend, he was trashed by her, and by the way, wasnt it fun when  Alexia was ejected from her college when there was a little fire at her dorm, and everybody got high because the fire caught the plantation of grass she had there?

His mom was getting really angry, but then the  princess asked  what time was the appointment at the beauty saloon, and Angela remembered a taxi would arrive any moment to take us there.
Flawless *Zesty* Fiona Dress
Picture This Poses
Loordes of London  -Killing Time watch
* Inkheart * Water Eyes - Metalic Blue (3 Sizes Sys+Mesh)
Color Me Project Icons Of Style  Aghata Jewelry Poses

I looked at Rum, were they counting on me for the hairdresser thing?, and he asked his mom , ' Take who? All of us?', and her mom sighed and said, ' the girls, Morris. Anna Maria, the princess ,DD, and me. But you can come too if you feel like having a new hairdo'.
Flawless *Zesty* Fiona Dress
Le Poppycock- poses
Color Me Project

Rum pulled my hand, taking me to a side room.
'Wanna go?'
EYELURE Kicks Tennies  - Multi //Side Tie Shorts  CUTE// TIed Tank Black
Le Poppycock- poses
No, I didnt want to go with those girls and his mom anywhere. But i had been texting my friends while we were at the airport and Ree's advice was, 'dont be an idiot, DD. We all know the princess, and she isnt  worth a fart, and i bet the sis is the same', and Umi had added, 'good hair good make up, your nice dress and no one is going to beat you, DD, you are better than them, and not only in the inside!' 

So, if it was about beauty, I was going  to be at my best. And I took the ride to the hairdresser with them.