Thursday, September 17, 2015

A man on our couch

Sexy lives most part of the time at Jerry's flat, sharing Stephen's kennel in perfect harmony. But when she has her fertile days, he turns her back to our flat.
Nerdgasm - and MP DR WHO Classic tshirt male
Oasis Unisex sneakers
AsHmOoT_Jeans Coll_Male Low Waist 
..: SAAL :..  Poses 
Marlow was absolutely in shock when he joked 'dont tell me the anteater tries to ... the chihuahua' and Jerry answered, seriously, 'yeah, thats why i cant have her around. Not only Stephen but all the males got crazy when her feromones rise, I have the feeling they all think Sexy is in fact the sexiest thing ever'.
'Even the monkey?'

But today when Jerry took her downstairs, he was not in the mood for joking.
In fact, he was quite down.
Umami asked him if he was ok, and he said 'not really', covering his face with his hand.
So Umi told him to come in and we offered him hot chocolate, and he let himself fall on the couch and told us he was desperate.
::Designer Circle::.  Tiffany Designs Tammy Long Dress with Appliers
TAMELESS Tami hair
Marukin Pose
Oh my, Sugar Suz is planning to leave him!