Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Mind to stop looking at my boyfriend?

I run, girls, Im in a hurry, Marlow is waiting for me!
Where are you going?
I heard they need someone to help at the library. It would be great for Marlow, better salary and not so many hours, so I booked an interview for him... but he has to be there in one hour, and he is working at the cafe, so I am picking him up with some clean clothes and we run there.
Good luck!
Thank u!!
DECADENT: Tan . High waisted pants  and :SELF CONFIDENT: Tan . Cropped blouse
Loordes of London  The Hetaera Release
Le Poppycock- poses
Vestige poses Scott
Nerdgasm - and MP-Straight Outta SL Classic tshirt male
HEYDRA  Hosier Pants
FEARSUM  Beanie for the BLB3Hunt
Helloooo cutie!!
Hey blondie!!
Come Soon poses 
You look amazing, blondie.
You too!... But I brought you a shirt, jacket and tie, so lets look for a place to change your clothes. You will be a hot fancy badass, not only a hot badass, and they will hire you at the library.
Yay... love you to pieces, my super manager!

Vestige poses Claudia poses
Lets find a dressing room in one of these stores, so you can change.

 Savoir Faire poses 

This is a girls' shop, but we will pretend Im tryin some stuff and you help me deciding.
OK, i change clothes in a rush.

Ok, I control the doors... but nobody is coming, the store is empty and the shop girl was busy with her cellular...
Yeah... not bad, uh?
Not bad awwwwwwwww to good!
:) :)
The 'stuff sales room HEYDRA Frederyk Jacket
HEYDRA  Hosier Pants  and Yanick boots
-If you follow my diary, you know Ree and Marlow are always... very Ree and Marlow-
 RACK pose
It was so nice from the shop girl to help them remember they had to go to the library... :P
SEQUIN EVENT  *Zesty* Smarty Pants Baby Blue
::Designer Circle::.  !!smesh
 Platforms Slink High

Shady Ladies- Tastes Like Cherries Top for the BLB3Hunt
Deluxe Body Factory  Kylie skin, SLINK, Omega appliers [ Womenstuff hunt]
 Deluxe Body Factory for Anybody Plums and berries lipsticks 
Image Essentials Woman stands
::Designer Circle::.
 Platforms Slink High
HEYDRA Frederyk Jacket V2
Muffin Mayhem Pose
* Inkheart * - The Big Distraction Hunt Gift Diamond eyes blue
Deluxe Body Factory  Kylie skin, SLINK, Omega appliers [ Womenstuff hunt]
Deluxe Body Factory for Anybody Plums and berries lipsticks