Friday, June 1, 2012

Something is going on

Nini said End was downstairs, and mom and her boss, Twiggy, lost their minds completely :P

Oh there he was. Mom had decided to use one of the private pictures End had sent her , to decorate the front wall, welcoming the visitors. She had not asked him about it and now I saw  she was terrified.

So mom went to hide at the exhibition room, but i heard End and Twiggy talking. And i dont know where Nini fits in End and mom's story ...
But what i can tell is that THERE IS  a story going on.
    Akeruka Twiggy skin & shape
Short Fall White & Summer Tunic Orange
Ridicool in Dark Washed // Holes // Jean's M 
Android in  Black T-shirt 
Shrub Scarf 

Crickets KURT outfit

 Ridicool  Jean's F
HBK Death Strike tank
Urban Girl-Regina Ballets

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