Sunday, December 14, 2014

... and then she met him

'Its horrible, hun, really, I am devastated! She is not the sweet girl she has always been.
.::!AZ.:: BEATRICE ROOM69 (unpacked)
Unborn Soul Sherry Boots and bunny gift
DM poses
 He changed her! Now she drinks, she smokes... and not only tobacco!!! She has completely changed! 
Deer Headpiece
Merry X-mas cigarette
-Luckie-  for FROST Nippie Sweater [CHRISTMAS EDITION] and  Tubie Sockies
(the panties are from Stelloane (for an old  hunt))
DM poses

And all because of that rich kid, oh my my my, I wish we had never met him and his family!'
Yobasha Xmas-Cigarette Blue
Shame Me Designs for the Flawless Gingerbread Block Party & Hunt  ~ Flurry Pants
* Inkheart * The World of Fantasies Hunt Gift  Fantasy Blue Eyes