Tuesday, December 2, 2014

ZsiZsi wants a pet

* Inkheart *  Candy Cane 6 Hunt Gift Xmas eyes Candy Cane
Fresh Style   *Cheeky Amour* Snow Queen
::Designer Circle::.
 7Deadly s{K}ins Sakura V2 
JaM -Slink -Spike
Magnifique Poses
Little ZsiZsi is fascinated by the animal world.
Fresh Style   *Cheeky Amour* Snow Queen
::Designer Circle::.
 7Deadly s{K}ins Sakura V2 
JaM -Slink -Spike
Magnifique Poses

First , the movie. Of course she didnt understand it, but Silence said she was so cute watching the screen with all her attention and saying 'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww' when the Snow princess kissed the frog... and crying desolated when the frog turned into a sexy prince hahahahaha

Mom was busy and End had to run to a meeting, so Silence took ZsiZsi with him when he went to take some pics at the park.
TOTSIPOP! Mesh baby avatar  and TOT Baby clothing WInter Sweater Set
Marukin Pose

And in the park they found a dog. ZsiZsi loved it.  I have to admit the little thing is brave, Silence said the dog was huge, but she was not scared at all. She cried when they had to leave it, and cried and cried, ... and big bro cant stand his little sweety tears.
OMG  Fetching Pose - Hound Dog

They couldnt take home a dog cause family drama was granted... But when they saw Pip in the street market...
The Pink Elephant Totsipop Christmas Candy Dress

Mom says if ZsiZsi gets any wart  she will kill the pet and the one who bought it.
And as you can imagine, ZsiZsi adores Pip... and her superbro.
.OPOPOP   Persicot  Mesh Jacket  and Enme Mesh jeans
Tuty poses