Wednesday, April 8, 2015

He is crazy and Im crazy for him

Walking on the beach with Rum this morning. Girls, he is crazy, and Im crazy for him.

I had a weird dream last night.
DS'ELLES Sophia poses
Cause I was like... Alice's rabbit or something, and I was in a place that looked like Wonderland 
(see the cat in the tree?)
{Acios} for the Evil Bunny Hunt Bunny Set
At home for the Evil Bunny Hunt  Jersey
 *Luckie* Demented Jeans 
Image Essentials Woman stands
But all the time I knew I was in danger, and I was trying to call you, but you didnt answer!
Vestige poses Talking on phone 
Oh my, shame on me, and what happened, love?
Check the outfit here - Unofficial:Blog
Vestige poses Scott poses
The bunnies came and caught me and wanted to kill me!
Heavenly Bacon  for the Evil Bunny Hunt  Evil bunnies Gonna Get Ya
Love, I told you, you shouldnt have eaten so many chocolate bunnies yesterday.
EYELURE Polo Crop  
ROOM69   Klepsydra - Esmeralda Shorts
::Designer Circle::. AsHmOoT_Hair Coll_Bambolina
Loordes of London -Land's End Clogs
POMPOSITY  Easter bunny earrings
StoraxTree  Chocolate Bunny 2015
skbio pose
And its been a very bad nightmare, love, but  you know what?
Purple poses
I have a great medicine for nightmares, A BATH IN THE SEA
Rum... Rum, what the ... YOU CANT DO THAT!
C'mon, love,this is a desert island. C'mon, dont be a chicken!
Hootinany Pose
Omg omg omg! I think i hear a car coming!