Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Best Halloween party ever (cause you are here)

Pictures taken at The cryp by Construct for the Cosmopolitan events All deco (but the stage) by Construct
What a party!
The Fat Skeletons were rocking like possessed , making everybody dance and sing.
[Cherry Pop Studio] for the BOO! Bunny Hunt  Spooky Decal
Vestige poses Guitar poses 
Verocity poses  micro pose
Image Essentials  The drummer
But there was also room for the slow dances, with a DJ...
Magnifique Poses Hold Me Close 
Construct for the Cosmopolitan events  Halloween deco
::Designer Circle::.  PELLE Mad hair
Geek Chic Creations My Pen Is Huge Hooded Male Shirt
+HUHU+  City jeans
Deluxe Body Factory and MP Peter skin shape appliers
 Sorgo pose
HUSH skins Amber2 - Butter make up 3
::Designer Circle::.
 .::Pink Cherry::. Elegant Tuxedo Dress "Lilou" and Glamour Dark slink nails
* Inkheart *  Bloom Eyes - Pure (3 Sizes Sys + Mesh)
Loordes of London Winklepickers shoes
Tuty poses
Oh my we had so much fun! Rum friends were very nice, specially at me. They treated me as if they had been knowing me forever, and I loved to see the great realtionship they had with Rum.

Icons Of Style Champagne poses
Construct for the Cosmopolitan events  Halloween deco
We went to see the yard decoration, and Rum told me Trace and  Mac were part of his team, the hackers.
Really?  I was so surprised. Mac and Trace were so fun, relaxed, friendly people, who could suspect... Yeah, and who would suspect my wonderful boyfriend was the head of the anti-terrorist project?
Construct for the Cosmopolitan events Ever lasting love animated

But I was not going to think about it. Not that night.
'What a wonderful party!', I told him and he bent to me with his awesome smile.
'Yes. Best Halloween party ever, cause  my DD is here'.
Oh my. Aint I the luckiest girl in the world? :)
::Designer Circle::.  Wertina dress
SEQUIN EVENT TASHI I See You nails hud
Image Essentials Body shots poses
AmAzInNg CrEaTiOnS for the Boo!Bunny Hunt boys gift (jacket w/ shirt)
Construct for the Cosmopolitan events Everlasting Love  animated
Image Essentials Confidence poses
Construct for the Cosmopolitan events  DJ Scratch animated