Saturday, August 18, 2012

She is perfect

::Poised:: JOG Mesh Sporty Set
Yes, why are we trying to break some ' running-in -the-sun' record in the place of being on the beach?
Maybe because Umami is P_E_R_F_E_C_T.
You know we all have joined the summer course, right?
Last week Miss Denise, the dance teacher, had to leave, and Miss Mizz took her place.
And she happens to be a ballet lover.
Ballet? Oh my! We were just happy to see the boys felt even more disgraceful than us.

What a class! I have to admit we laughed so much my face ached, though no one of us could dance 'comme il fault'
Well... almost no one.
Umami blushed, she has danced since she could walk, she said, and Silence just whispered he had never tried ballet but, 'he can dance if there is music'.
There was a lot of awwwwwwwww ohhhhhhhh, cause they are really good. But it so fun to see they dont mind at all! :)

Oh arent they sweet? I think they are creating a world of their own, and thats magic, and i thought everybody would like it. But I was wrong.
Because the girls dont seem too happy about Umami being soooooo good at everything.

I had to promise i wouldnt tell Umami or Silence about our training.
Oh my, this is childish, I just hope Umami doesnt run as good as she dances :))

::Poised::  Ballance Leotard Ice Queen
[ L3S ]   Catrinna Ostrich Mesh 

CD Designs Rebel me
"DEW" Flounce top jellyboon
::Poised:: MISSP Jeans popart

HOT STUFF Ocean Skin Dollarbie
OPOPOP Design  //  Shrub // Cyan  Scarf  
[DeColores Inc.]
Les Amours de Paris d'Helene